

Workforce for wood, iron and stone production. Tax paying population.
Tax rate payment, determined by the player
Rookies, needed for army recruitment

Indicators -  in the right corner of the Imperial Map:
Current amount of population.
Beneath those numbers are the indicators of the workers; idle population; population limit; farm capacity.
At any point workers can be hired/dismissed in the Workers menu (Imperial Map's right side), thus - managing the production level and the number of workers from whom you’re able to exact tax.

Population growth and Limit:
Basic population growth: 2 x current population /1000+50. For example, if you have population 1000, its growth would be 52/hour. In case of 10 000, growth will be 70/hour.
Nomads’ population limit is prefixed – 220 000 in province nº1 and all colonies, 200 000 in first circle provinces, 240 000 in second circle provinces, 280 000 in third circle provinces and base province limit + 100 000 in the capital, so they don’t need houses. Though, 2nd and 3rd circles' limits can be manually decreased to 220 000 on player's own discretion.
Activating Premium, paid in diamonds, increases Nomads’ population limits by 10%.
Farm construction decreases the population losses due to shortage of food by 5% per level from the previous one, given the basis 5400 people. The capital's Farm Capacity has a bonus + 100 000. Changing the capital, transfers this bonus to the new capital.
Researching Medicine increases growth by 5% per level.*
Activating Premium, paid in diamonds, decreases the population losses due to lack of farms as it enhances Nomad farms’ effect by 10%.
* Nomads’ research discovery time is 15% longer. But their building construction is 15% faster.

An Indicator reporting how happy the population is with the sovereign’s cause. It is influenced, in a positive or negative way, by plenty of factors. Maintaining high levels of Happiness is crucial while managing the Empire, given the fact that below 50 Happiness, with every percent downwards the chance for riot, leading to loss of tax exacting until happiness is enhanced again, increases by 2%; and below 20 Happiness – every percent downwards generates a chance for rebellion, leading to production suspension, increasing by 2%.
Required by all buildings and some researches.
Needed for the training of military units.
Produced by hired population in the lumber mills.
Required for some of the buildings, researches and all military units.
Produced by population hired in the iron mines.
Main resource for building Fortresses.
Needed for some other buildings and some researches.
Produced by population hired in stone quarry.

Basic production for 100 civilians: 10 wood / 2 iron / 5 stone.
Empire's capital has a fixed 10% bonus production for all resources
Imperians have 20% stone production bonus in all Empire territories.
Výroba může být vylepšení o:

  • 用钻石买优惠包的话,将增加10%的生产。
  • Raising Fortress levels – each Fortress level increases production by 10%.
  • Zvyšování Alliance Výzkum Produkce úrovně (pokud je přehrávač v Alianci) - každá úroveň uděluje 2% produkce bonus pro všechny členy.
  • Měna ze hry.
  • It is generated as a tax, exacted from the capital, annexed provinces, vassals and colonies working population* at player’s own discretion. There are 6 different tax rates.
  • * Idle population doesn’t pay taxes.
  • Gold is generated and used in a centralized way, from the treasury, located exclusively in the Empire’s capital, i.e. exacted taxes go directly to the treasury, as well as the required gold for constructions, research or army upkeep is extracted automatically from there without any need for transportation.
  • If an attack is sent from any province, other than the capital, the supply wagons, carrying the sacked gold, go directly to the capital, the rest of the resources are unloaded in the initial province. The exception is the case when an attack is sent from a colony, then gold is stashed there and should be transported to the capital using the supply wagons.
  • If the treasury has negative gold balance (due to army upkeep), the player cannot build, research or recruit army until the negative balance is cleared.
They serve for:
  • 购买优惠包——给玩家提供很多没有优惠包的玩家获得不到的红利。如下:
    • 10% production bonus
    • 10% population growth bonus
    • 10% army attack bonus
    • 10 daily Happiness bonus points in all provinces and colonies
    • 10% army hit points bonus
    • Double Depot station capacities
    • 10% population limit bonus and 10% farm effect bonus (for Nomads ONLY)
    • 20% army training time bonus and 20% barrack capacities bonus (for Imperians ONLY)
  • Purchase of extras available every day:
    • 立即建完:提前开始利用建筑物。该功能只能用于剩下少于96个建造小时的建筑物。一个建造小时需要170粒钻石。
    • 立即发达——可以早期地利用某个研究。这功能是以钻石支付的,而可用于剩下少于24小时*的研究。每个研究小时需要510粒钻石。
    • 立即训完:提前完成单位的训练。当王国收到攻击时,这功能无法使用。只有序列里的第一部队可以立即训完。所有剩下少于6个小时需要170粒钻石。立即训练意味着其他的部队的训练时间需要重新计算。

    • 立即进攻:立即进行完玩家和其独立行省之间的战斗。每场战斗需要170粒钻石,而功能意味着,军队立即抵达目的地、立即进行战斗并立即回来。当王国受到攻击时,立即进攻功能不可用。
    • 立即殖民地运输——该选项卸下正在两个行省之间开的供应车(无论供应车在运输资源还是只是旅行)。当你的王国不受攻击时的话,费用是170粒钻石/小时。
    • 立即殖民——以510粒钻石/小时的代价,你的殖民者立即达到你想要殖民的地方。唯一条件是你王国不在受到攻击。
    • 王国商人——这个市场特征允许你以850粒钻石的佣金立即出售木材、铁或石料。当你王国在受到攻击时,该选项无法使用。
    • 在寺庙里每天打开多于1件礼物。如果你已经至少收到了3次免费礼物,那么以680粒钻石的代价会收到打开第二件礼物的机会。如果你已经至少收到了3次680粒钻石的礼物,那么以2550粒钻石的代价会收到打开第三件礼物的机会。如果你已经至少收到了3次2550粒钻石的礼物,那么以4250粒钻石的代价会收到打开第四件礼物的机会。如果你已经至少收到了3次4250粒钻石的礼物,那么以8330粒钻石的代价会收到打开第五件礼物的机会。如果你已经至少收到了3次8330粒钻石的礼物,那么以16830粒钻石的代价会收到打开第六件礼物的机会。
    • 10-hour production – a single time reception, every 24 hours, of a resource amount, equal to the production of the respective resource per hour x10.
    • Activation of Vacation Mod
    • Organization of mass big Festivals at the Town Square with influence on provinces Happiness value. Big festivals are limited to 1 per day. Their effect is enhanced by the Town Square levels - each level raises it by +2 Happiness points.
    • 投降——给予在特定的时段内由一定的敌人攻击守护你的王国。在168小时的时段内,最多只能投降10次。第一次投降是免费的,接下来的每次投降将会比前一次贵1700粒钻石。
    • Diamond donations - an alliance feature that allows allies to help each other with diamonds. Donations are made in the alliance treasury, they are not limited but solely purchased diamonds can be donated.
  • 获得的钻石——所有获得的钻石(除了用我们的优惠菜单购买钻石分页上能找到的支付方式),如:那些每天登录时收到的170粒,而注册之后过完的第72小时在相当的世界里(如果你确认了你的电子邮件);那些在教程中或成就给你带来的钻石;其他玩家给你发送当做礼物的钻石(只在礼物期间内);从联盟宝库里取出的钻石。
  • Diamonds transfer - transferring purchased diamonds from one realm to another, part of your global account, where you log into with the same username and password.


  • Shows how happy with the sovereign’s government the population is.
  • Basic Happiness and Happiness limit in all imperial territories is 100*, except in the capital which has a bonus +20**.

    *This limit can be exceeded by 10 Happiness points in case of control over a Special Resource terrain with that type of bonus or altered, in a positive or negative direction, by the Happiness limit modifier due to the province location towards province No.1 (Learn more about the province circles and its parameter, going to Economy > Expanding the Empire > Conquest).

    **If you change your capital, the 20 points bonus will automatically change place too.
  • It is calculated and updated live. Daily modifiers, bonuses and tax minuses (listed below) are distributed proportionally per every minute (just the way resources are given). For example, if you have minus 5 Happiness, as a result from a very low tax rate, +5 Happiness from Fortress level 5, +4 from University 12, +10 from Temple 5, 20 capital bonus (if the province is a capital), then you'll be receiving ~ 0,0237 Happiness per minute. Single time modifiers, bonuses and minuses, (also listed below) are accounted right away and their effect on the Happiness is immediate and fully applied at once.
  • Main Happiness effect – emigration or immigration. Every minute, groups of certain number of Empires (active in the last 168 hours and with equal or approximately equal net worth points) are formed. After that the average Happiness level of each account is calculated, following the formula:

    1st province population x 1st province Happiness + 2nd province population x 2nd province Happiness (etc., if there are more provinces) / whole Empire's population = Empire's average Happiness level

    Then comes the calculation of the total average Happiness value of the entire group - individual average Happiness values are added and subtracted to the number of empires part of the group. The Empires above the total average Happiness value gain population and those below - lose, as for every 1 Happiness point difference 0.2% of the population is, respectively, gained or lost. Information about lost or earned population due to migration is visible in the Farms screen.
  • Happiness below 50 - there is a chance, increasing progressively by 2% with every Happiness point (e.g. at 49 points with 2%, at 48 point with 4% and so on), for a riot, leading to tax exacting block until happiness is increased again.
  • Happiness below 20 - there is a chance, increasing progressively by 2% with every
    Happiness point (e.g. at 19 points with 2%, at 18 point with 4% and so on), for a rebellion, which could lead to a production suspension, no recruitment and no constructions until happiness is increased again.
  • Daily Happiness modifiers:
    • Positive:
      • 0 tax rate - +5
      • Army presence in the province – the percent army of the province population is equal to the percent Happiness accounted, though, if the army represents more than 20% of the population, Happiness stops being generated.
      • Fortress level in the province: 1st level – 1; 2nd level – 2; 3rd level – 3; 4th level – 4; 5th level – 5; 6th level – 6; 7th level – 7; 8th level – 8; 9th level – 10.
      • Temple – each level generates +2 Happiness.
      • University – every 3 levels generate 1 Happiness for all the Empire. Maximum bonus from university levels - 10.
      • Empire's Capital has a daily bonus +20 Happiness points.
      • Control over a territory located on а special resource. (Learn more about the special resources' bonuses in Economy > Expanding the Empire > Colonies > Special resource terrains).
      • Activation of Premium grants a daily 10 happiness bonus in all provinces.
      • High levels of Sovereign's Honor – every 200 Honor give 1 Happiness. Limit – 5.
      • Under the influence of one of your own Alliance's Castles – +5 Happiness every day.
    • Negative:
      • Taxes – the higher they are, the bigger Happiness loss will be. (Learn more about the correlation between Tax rate and Happiness value in Economy > Indicators > Tax)
      • Negative Honor of the Sovereign – minus 5 Happiness in case of 100 or more negative honor points.
      • Locked province - minus 5 Happiness with effect on all Empire's territories.
      • Under enemy Alliance Castle influence (while in war) – minus 5 Happiness with effect on all Empire's territories.
  • Single time Happiness modifiers:
    • Positive:
      • Construction of Fortress - from 1st to 3rd level - 5 Happiness; from 4th to 6th - 10; from 7th to 9th - 20.
      • Construction of Farms – each level grants 1 Happiness.
      • 在广场上举办一次性的节日节目——小的节日节目的基本效应是+1幸福感,而以黄金支付、20%的行省人口;但如果你举办在所有行省的大节日节目,你将支付的是半价。大节日节目有基本效应+2幸福感,而有提前决定的费用:第一次举办是850粒钻石;第二次——680粒;第三次——510粒;第四次——340粒;第五次——170粒等(全国算在一起,而不是分别的行省算)。不过,大节日节目是全国的事,所以你将会支付相应的费用/2。
      • Stopping pillages with victorious battle in defense - +10 Happiness points but only for the first Pillage during 24h period.
      • Army disband – the percent army of the respective province population is equal to the percent Happiness gained. This effect, though, has its limit – if the disbanded army is more than 20% of the province population, Happiness stops being generated.
      • Victorious War – +10 Happiness points for each member.
      • Fortress repair (only when repaired for the first time during a 24h period) - +5 Happiness.
      • New annexed province or colony (influencing the whole Empire) - +20.
    • Negative:
      • Army recruitment – the percent recruited rookies of the province population is equal to the percent Happiness that is lost.
      • Pillaged province – the percent pillaged population is equal to the Happiness points taken away. The maximum Happiness loss is 30.
      • Lost battle – global -5 Happiness but just for the first lost battle for a 24 hour period.
      • Lost War – minus 10 Happiness (with influence on the whole empire).
      • War declaration – minus 10 Happiness.
      • Lost Fortress siege (the first one lost during a 24 hour period) – minus 5 Happiness.
      • Lost colony – minus 10 Happiness with effect on all Empire's territories.


  • Tax is exacted only from hired population. It's calculated every time you change the rate, so its gold profits and effects (positive or negative) on the happiness are taken into account right the way, which means that if you set low tax rate at 2 pm and change it to high rate at 3 pm, between 2 pm and 3 pm you will be having gold income and happiness minus correspondent to the low tax and from 3 pm - gold income and happiness minus correspondent to high tax. Both, gold income and happiness losses, are distributed proportionally and received or subtracted every minute. The gold portions are given, accounting always the current amount of workers, not the amount of workers at the moment when the tax rate was set, so the population growth during the following hours as well as the killed population in case of a Pillage are both taken into consideration while calculating each gold portion. The sum is stored in the capital’s treasury, from which it’s extracted automatically while building and researching or paying out army upkeep, regardless where all this takes place.
  • Тhe player can change tax rate at any time and each change is immediately accounted. There are 6 tax levels, each with a different effect on the Happiness, as it follows:
    • First level (tax free) – gives bonus Happiness +5.
    • Second level (very low – 1 for 100 workers per hour for annexed provinces and vassals) – takes 5 Happiness away.
    • Third level (low – 2 for 100 workers per hour in the annexed provinces and vassals) – takes 15 Happiness away.
    • Fourth level (medium – 3 for 100 workers per hour in the annexed provinces and vassals) – takes 30 Happiness away.
    • Fifth level (high – 4 for 100 workers per hour in the annexed provinces and vassals) – takes 50 Happiness away.
    • Sixth level (very high – 5 for 100 workers per hour in the annexed provinces and vassals) – takes 75 Happiness away.


  • The peaceful way
    • Resource Production
    • Exacting tax from the capital.
    • Exacting tax from the vassals.
    • Exacting tax from the annexed provinces.
    • Exacting tax from the colonies.
    • Bank interest on the stored gold
  • The military way
    • Looting resources after a successful Fortress siege upon not annexed yet provinces from the Imperial Map.
    • Looting resources after a successful Fortress siege upon enemies’ Empires.
    • Pillaging enemies’ provinces.


  • Ordering Buildings and Researches
  • Army recruitment
  • Army upkeep
  • Destroyed Fortress repair.
  • Founding a colony.
  • Planning Festivals
  • Paying off credits and bank interest.


  • The offer lasts for 48 hours and it will show up on the market between 5 and 10 minutes after posting it.
  • If the offer expires, it is returned to the owner in the province it has been posted from.
  • The top 5 offers for each resource are always shown in the 'Buy' menu.
  • Trade - Every following level, after the first one, decreases the trade commission by 2%. The basic trade commission is 20%. The posting offer commission is fixed – 10%. Maximum Research level – 11.
  • Market building - its construction is local. It is available in all provinces, which means that Market levels limits and capacities are strictly individual for each province. It controls the number of offers a player can post at the same time and their maximum size. Each level increases the number of offers by one and the maximum size - twice, compared with the previous level, given the basis 2000. When the Empire is not currently under enemy attack, the Market capacity is global, meaning that if you have 10 provinces with 1 million Market capacity each, you will be able to sell 10 million at once from one province.
  • 王国商人——这个市场特征允许你以850粒钻石的佣金立即出售木材、铁或石料。王国商人的容量是全世界的,这意味着,如果你有10个行省,每个省有1百万的市场容量,那么你可以立即出售10百万资源单位。王国商人的容量也是分开的,这意味着,如果你的市场容量是20 000,但同时你有未决的10 000个资源单位的出价,那么通过王国商人你可以出售20000个单位,而不是10000个单位。当你王国在受到攻击时,该选项无法使用。


  • Bank Loan
    • After discovering the first 3 levels, borrowing money from the bank is allowed in the following amounts:
      12-hour empire production
      24 hour empire production
      48 hour empire production
    • Each level Banking, after the 4th one, accrues 1% interest per 24 hours on the gold that is stocked in the capital's Treasury. Maximum level - 14. Maximum interest for 24h - 3 000 000 (125 000 per hour).
    • The empire production is calculated by turning all resources that the player’s empire is making at the moment of borrowing into gold by the Gold Equivalent: 10 wood = 2 iron = 5 stone = 5 gold.
    • All loans are returned for a period of 168 hours, split evenly on 1 minute payments. But you can pay them off ahead of schedule. The amount to pay off is the one that has left - no penalty interest accounted. When a loan is paid off, a new one can be taken right away.
    • For the entire 168 hour period the money returned will be charged by the following interest:
      The 12-hour credit is returned with 70% interest.
      The 24 hour credit is returned with 100% interest.
      The 48 hour credit is returned with 150% interest.

Independent provinces

On the Imperial map provinces with green border are annexed provinces, those with yellow border – the vassals, no border - independent provinces unlocked for looting and the grey territories - the independent provinces a player cannot have any interaction with. Each player start his development in a neutral province with no bonuses of any type.

Cavalry attack+20%
Range attack+0%
In defense+0%
Wood production-10%
Iron Production-10%
Stone production-10%
Plains with forests
Cavalry attack-10%
Range attack-20%
In defense+10%
Wood production+10%
Iron Production-10%
Stone production-10%
Cavalry attack0%
Range attack+10%
In defense+10%
Wood production0%
Iron Production0%
Stone production0%
Hills with forests
Cavalry attack-10%
Range attack-10%
In defense+15%
Wood production+15%
Iron Production0%
Stone production0%
Cavalry attack-20%
Range attack+20%
In defense+20%
Wood production0%
Iron Production+20%
Stone production+20%
Mountains with forests
Cavalry attack-30%
Range attack0%
In defense+25%
Wood production+25%
Iron Production+20%
Stone production+20%


Each player has at his disposal his own Imperial map, including 19 independent provinces which can be looted after a successful Fortress siege, turned into vassals or annexed. Independent provinces are developed up to a certain level and have different bonuses. According to, both, the level of development and the distance away from province No.1, they are divided into 3 circles.

  • First circle (from 2nd to 5th province):
    Type Population Fortress Mines Farms 兵营 Temple Town Square
    • Farm Modifier – Farm capacity is 20 000 villagers smaller.
    • Bureaucracy modifier – 0, i.e. province efficiency is not influenced in a negative way by its location. It could be decrease only by the lack or insufficiency of Bureaucracy levels.
    • Happiness limit modifier – Maximum Happiness level raises by +2 to +8.
    • Happiness modifier – daily Happiness bonus from +2 to +8.
    • Maximum Happiness Bonuses – the total sum of all Happiness bonuses in the provinces from the First circle is exactly 20.
    • No production bonus.
  • Second circle (from 6th to 13th)
    Type Population Fortress Mines Farms 兵营 Temple Town Square
    • Farm Modifier – Farm capacity is 20 000 villagers bigger.
    • Bureaucracy modifier – minus 0,2, i.e. the province efficiency in the second circle is 20% less (apart from the minus caused by a probable lack or insufficiency of Bureaucracy levels).
    • Happiness limit modifier – Maximum Happiness value decreases by -5 to -10.
    • Happiness modifier – daily Happiness minus from -5 to -10.
    • Maximum Happiness Minus – the total sum of all Happiness minuses in the provinces from the Second circle is 60.
    • Production bonus for one type of resource – 5%.
  • Third circle (from 14th to 19th)
    Type Population Fortress Mines Farms 兵营 Temple Town Square
    • Farm Modifier – Farm capacity is 60 000 villagers bigger.
    • Bureaucracy modifier – minus 0,4, i.e. the province efficiency in the third circle is 40% less (apart from the minus caused by a probable lack or insufficiency of Bureaucracy levels).
    • Happiness limit modifier – Maximum Happiness level decreases by -10 to -30.
    • Happiness modifier – daily Happiness minus from -10 to -30.
    • Maximum Happiness Minus – the total sum of all Happiness minuses in the provinces from the Third circle is 120.
    • Production bonus for one type of resource – 10%.
  • There are, as well, 7 garrison types, determined according to the military units distribution percentage, as it follows:
    Garrison type Archers Swordsmen Spearmen Cavalry
    • The other players have no rights of control on that map, they can only attack already annexed provinces, looting them after a successful Fortress siege or pillaging them (because only they are visible for rest of the players).
    • The sovereign attacks an independent province of his own Imperial map, looting the available resources after a successful Fortress siege, as the minimum military units sent on a mission is 400.
    • Resource amount available for looting in an independent province with fortress 1 is equal to 40% of the province maximum capacity, in a province with fortress 2 - 30%, fortress 3 - 20%, fortress 4 - 15%, fortress 5 - 10%, fortress 6 - 5%, and fortress 7 - 2,5%. After the attack, the Fortress and the garrison are completely restored, but the available resources not - after each attack the amount decreases by 10%, so the final profitable attack is the 10th one. Independent province working population needs time to produce the resources (just like your Empire's workers do), so attacks cannot be made one after another consecutively - there is a cool down period (attack free) between each one of them instead. This cool down period decreases with every following attack, just like the available resource amount does.
    • Military points for Fortress siege of an own independent province are not accounted.
    • At least one level of Centralization is required. Each Centralization level opens access to turning 2 provinces into vassals. The province has to be conquered first after a successful Fortress siege with the necessary army for the Fortress level and its garrison there.
    • Turning an independent province into a vassal gives the player the right to exact taxes from them vassal population. Tax level is controlled by the sovereign, and the sum received depends on the population number not on the number of workers (like it works for annexed provinces). The available tax levels as well as the respective Happiness losses for vassals are the same as those for annexed provinces and capital.
    • In a vassal province buildings cannot be constructed.
    • A province cannot be a paying taxes vassal forever – giving a regular profit to the Empire depends on the population Happiness. If the Happiness is below 50, there is a chance, progressively increasing by 2% with every Happiness point (e.g. at 49 points with 2%, at 48 point with 4% and so on), for a riot leading to tax exacting block until happiness is increased again. Vassal Happiness can be increased by starting Festivals.
    • Army cannot be sent to a vassal province.
    • To annex an independent province a level of Centralization is needed. A province is annexed after a conquest with a successful Fortress siege and the necessary army according to the Fortress level and garrison there or after transforming a vassal province into an annexed one, which is possible when there is an available free Centralization level and maximum Happiness value in the respective vassal province.
    • Annexing a province assures you all building levels as they are, except the fortress level which drops by 1, but not the garrisoned troops and available resources which exist just by the time of the conquest.
    • Annexing gives the sovereign all rights over the province: building construction, research discovery, army recruitment, tax exacting, production of the three types of resources – wood, iron and stone.
    • 行省生产效率:每个接下来被并吞的行省与前面并吞的相比将会少生产10%。第11个并吞的行省有为0%的生产效率(包括省圈的官僚政治的因素在内),之后每个新并吞的行省的生产效率与前面的相比低10%。官僚政治提高5%的生产效率,并且提高到100%以上。
    • Boxing a province - А province is boxed when all provinces, with which it has a border, are annexed. After the boxing, the middle province is considered an inner and causes 20 points drop in morale to the army of any invader who attacks that inner province.
    • It takes 10 minutes to move army from one province to another.
    • Resource transportation between the imperial provinces is executed using the depot station with basic carrying capacity 2000. Each level of the Building Depot station increases the capacity by 50% towards the previous one. The maximum level is 14. Transportation takes 20 minutes, existing the options for unloading right the way via instant transportation, which, however, is not available while the province is being under attack.


Global map – on the map are located some spots – crucial for Alliances and individual players. Part of them is aimed for colonies, being divided into terrains, which lay on a special resource with various bonuses, and common ones – with no bonuses.

  • Special resource terrains – Situated randomly all over the Global map, the special resources are not destined for usage, but for control, as they give the player the opportunity to benefit from a certain type of bonus with effect on the entire Empire (annexed provinces, vassals and colonies):
    • Wood – 5% Wood production bonus
    • Rich Wood Field - 10% Wood production bonus
    • Iron – 5% Iron production bonus
    • Rich Iron Field - 10% Iron production bonus
    • Stone – 5% Stone production bonus
    • Rich Stone Field - 10% Stone production bonus
    • Gold – generates 5 additional percents to the exacted tax level
    • Rich Gold Field - generates 10 additional percents to the exacted tax level
    • Diamonds - generate 5 additional percents to amount of purchased diamonds (excluding Expiring diamonds)
    • Rich Diamond Field - generates 10 additional percents to amount of purchased diamonds (excluding Expiring diamonds)
    • Gems – Happiness bonus 10 in all Empire’s territories
    • Ivory – increases the Happiness maximum level by 5 in all Empire’s territories.
    • Silk – increases the Happiness maximum level by 10
    • Ancient Temple – 5 Morale points bonus
    • Sacred Ancient Temple - 10 Morale points bonus
    • Horseshoe – 5% cavalry attack and charge bonus
    • Heavy horseshoe – 10% cavalry attack and charge bonus
    • Yew – 5% Range attack bonus
    • Rich Yew Field - 10% Range attack bonus
    • Coal – 5% Infantry (swordsmen and spearmen) attack bonus
    • Rich Coal Field - 10% Infantry attack bonus
    • Granite – 5% Fortress hit points bonus
    • Rich Granite Field - 10% Fortress hit points bonus
    • Hemp – 5% Construction time bonus
    • Rich Hemp Field – 10% Construction time bonus
    • Papyrus – 5% Research time bonus
    • Parchment – 10% Research time bonus
    • Rice – 5% Farm bonus
    • Rich Rice Field – 10% Farm bonus
    • Wheat – 5% Farm bonus
    • Rich Wheat Field – 10% Farm bonus
    • Spices – 5% lower fixed commission
    • Horses – decrease army movement time, while on a mission, by 5%
    • Heavy Horses - decrease army movement time, while on a mission, by 10%
    • Wool – decreases army upkeep by 5%
    • Rich Wool Field – decreases army upkeep by 10%
    • Cotton – decreases army upkeep by 5%
    • Rich Cotton Field – decreases army upkeep by 10%
    • Marble – if an Alliance member has a colony founded on Marble, then the Temple in the Alliance Castle is constructed for 5% less time.
    • Rich Marble Field - if an Alliance member has a colony founded on Marble, then the Temple in the Alliance Castle is constructed for 10% less time.





- 独特资源地形成为被另一个玩家可殖民的地方;
- 殖民地的所有者失去因投入到殖民地的建立的资源而收到的净值分;
- 部署在该殖民地的军队将会自动转移到其出发行省;
- 殖民地的50%人口将会被转移到殖民任务的出发行省;
- 所有在殖民地的资源将会转移到所有者的都城。


  • 50 000 people of the Empires population are sent to a free spot on the Global map or to a spot, laying on a special resource. At the moment of foundation, a certain amount and type of buildings, necessary for the sent population’s comfort, are constructed:
    • Farms – level 10
    • Temple – level 1
    • Town Square – level 1
    • Fortress – level 4
  • The price for founding a colony is equal to the construction price of these buildings - a total sum of 9 085 887 wood, 901 214 iron and 2 395 562 stone. The necessary resource is automatically extracted from the Empire and is transported to the colony along with the 50 000 villagers. Their speed is the same as the supply wagons’ speed – 80 IM/h.
  • Founding a colony and annexing it to the imperial territories gives a single time Happiness bonus +20 with effect on the entire Empire. Losing a colony takes 10 Happiness away.

Colony Structure

  • The construction of barracks, mines, lumber mills and stone quarries is not possible. The player can neither recruit soldiers nor hire workers.
    * Construction of Houses and Farms is allowed, so the player could raise his population, as well as Fortress construction, so the player could enhance the defense.
  • Colony's population pays taxes - determined by the Sovereign, paid in one of the four resources and equal to one of the six tax rates:
    - Tax free rate - gives bonus Happiness +5.
    - Very low tax rate - equal to 2 wood / 0,4 iron / 1 stone / 1 gold per hour for every 100 villagers; it takes 5 Happiness away.
    - Low tax rate - equal to 4 wood / 0,8 iron / 2 stone / 2 gold per hour for every 100 villagers; it takes 15 Happiness away.
    - Medium tax rate - equal to 6 wood / 1,2 iron / 3 stone / 3 gold per hour for every 100 villagers; it takes 30 Happiness away.
    - High tax rate - equal to 8 wood / 1,6 iron / 4 stone / 4 gold per hour for every 100 villagers; it takes 50 Happiness away.
    - Very high tax rate - equal to 10 wood / 2 iron / 5 stone / 5 gold per hour for every 100 villagers; it takes 75 Happiness away.

    Тhe player can change the tax rate at any time and each change is immediately accounted. Both, tax and happiness losses, are distributed proportionally and received or subtracted every minute. The resource portions are given, accounting always the current amount of population, not the amount of population at the moment when the tax rate was set.
  • The colony has Happiness that depends in a regressive way on the distance to the Empire. The more distant one colony is, the bigger Happiness losses will be, as this correlation is divided in 6 quadrants: from 0 to 20 IM – minus 20 Happiness; from 21 to 50 IM – minus 25; from 51 to 100 IM – minus 35; from 101 to 200 IM – minus 45; from 201 to 500 – minus 55; and from 501 afterwords – minus 70. If the Happiness gets below 50, there is a chance, progressively increasing by 2%, for a riot, leading to a temporary tax exacting block for at least 24 hours until happiness is increased again. If the Happiness gets below 20, there is a chance, increasing progressively by 2%, for a rebellion, which could lead to a temporary lack of access to the colony for at least 24 hours until the happiness is raised agaian, which means no tax, no building construction, just organization of festivals allowed. Both the riot and the rebellion imply a temporary special resource bonus suspension.
  • Each colony disposes of a special building – Logistic base. Its levels determine how many ally armies are allowed to join the colony army in relief, while the colony is under attack. Each Logistic base level allows one more ally army in relief. Maximum level - 5.
  • The upkeep of all troops in a colony is x1.5.
  • Retreat - It's valid for all type of attacks but affects just the army of the colony's owner, any army in relief will still fight regardless the activated option.
  • Destroying a colony
    • A colony cannot be attacked, while all buildings, required for its foundation, are still under construction.
    • A colony is destroyed when it’s found to be without a Fortress. Every attack reduces the Fortress levels by 1. *When it turns out the colony has Fortress level 0, it automatically disappears from the Global map, releasing 50% of the population and 90% of the army deployed in the colony that go directly back to the province the colony has been founded from. In case of an army traveling from the Empire to the colony, this army returns as well. If the colony is destroyed while a military mission, sent from it, is still in progress, this army returns to the Empire's capital.
      Every lost battle in defense in a colony implies that the whole remaining garrison will get deployed on the field unless the army has been set to retreat.
      Attacks upon colonies founded on Special resource terrains have no limits for net worth points range and, consequently, no morale, honor and attack penalties applied to the attacker, which isn't valid for those founded on common, non-bonus, terrains - the attacks out of range x5 are not possible, and those out of range x2 cause morale, honor and attack parameter losses to the attacker, following the exact same rules of any normal attack.
    * Colony Fortresses cannot be repaired!
    • A player can destroy his own colony by clicking on it on the Global map and selecting \"Destroy colony\" option. The destruction sends 50% of colony's population back to the province the colony has been founded from, you lose the resources gathered in the colony and the net worth points for the resources you have invested in its foundation and development. A colony cannot be destroyed by its owner if there are any units, either present in it, or traveling from/to it.
  • Resource transportation
    • The resource, generated as a tax, is not automatically stashed in the centralized Empire treasury, but has to be transported to the capital. Colony’s available resources cannot be used for the Empire’s benefit if not previously transported to the Metropolis.
    • Colony – Metropolis transportation is not executed through the depot station, which works within the confines of the Imperial map. The colony transports by supply wagons, ready to go after recruitment similar to the army’s one. The supply wagons have upkeep and speed just like any other military unit. Their carrying capacity is 500.
  • Travelling
    • Its time is not prefixed like it is within the imperial provinces, but it is just the same as any other travelling through the Global map. The distance is measured in Imperial miles. The speed of the travelling units and/or supply wagons is equal to the speed of the slowest sent unit (for example: battering rams – 48 IM/h).
    • Cartography decreases the travelling time.

The 7 wonders of the realm

  • Seven special buildings which can be built by all players who have already reached 25th level of Architecture.
  • Only the highest levels of these buildings in the whole realm are considered wonders and appear on the Global map near their owners‘ Empires.
  • Each wonder grants a special bonus for the owner and all his allies, as it follows:
    • The Mystical Obelisk – 5 daily Happiness bonus
    • The Fire Summit – 5 points to Happiness limit
    • The Heavens Tower – 10% bonus to research time
    • The Sun Pyramids – 10% bonus to construction time
    • The Palace of Dawn – 10% bonus to Farm effect
    • The General – 10% bonus to army training time
    • The Great Horseman – 10% bonus to army traveling time
  • A player can build levels of more than one special building but he can own only one wonder, meaning that if he reaches the highest level in the realm of more than one special building, he must choose which one of them to be a wonder and to grant him and his allies a bonus.
  • The wonders are not destructible. You lose a wonder* and its bonus when another player builds a higher level than yours.
    * Losing a wonder doesn’t mean you lose the already built levels, it just means you stop being the owner of the wonder and, thus, you and your allies lose the bonus by the time you manage build a level higher than the one of the current wonder in the realm.
  • If you own the highest levels of The Mystical Obelisk and The Fire Summit in the realm and The Mystical Obelisk is your active wonder, The Fire Summit becomes automatically your active wonder, when another player builds a higher level of The Mystical Obelisk than yours. If you own the highest levels of more than two special buildings in the realm and your active wonder is The Mystical Obelisk, the system randomly switches your active wonder to one of your rest special buildings with highest levels, when another player builds a higher level of The Mystical Obelisk than yours. Though, you can activate the wonder you wish to at any time.
  • When two or more players have equal levels of the same special building, the owner of the wonder is the player who was the first one to reach it.
  • The basic price of each special building is 8 000 000 gold equivalent. Resource's price type alternates with every following level, meaning that 1st level requires gold, 2nd level – wood, 3rd level – iron, 4th level – stone, 5th level – gold and so on.
  • Special buildings’ price is reduced by player’s Architecture.
  • Every following level’s gold equivalent is 10% higher, as the basic price is taken into account, not the price lowered by the Architecture.
  • Special buildings are constructed instantly and there is no limitation in levels.


  • Beginner protection
    • An option that can be activated by every player at less than 1000 net worth points who has been defeated in defense when an activation button appears in the battle report, as well as from one of the tasks of the Tutorial. The option expires automatically when the account reaches 1000 net worth points or when 168 hours from the activation have passed.
    • Accounts under beginner protection cannot attack neither can be attacked.
    • Players in beginner protection appear with baby carriage icon in ranking.
  • Holidays protection
    • An option that can be activated by every player but only during holidays previously announced by Imperia Online team and for limited periods determined by IO.

      * Both, Vacation mod and Holidays protection, can be activated solely if you currently don't have troops on a mission.
    • While activated, the account cannot be attacked neither can send attacks. Meanwhile, the account can be accessed, buildings can be constructed, researches can be ordered, army can be recruited etc.
    • All attacks sent to the respective Empire before the activation will still be performed.
  • Vacation mod
    • Forbids all attacks towards your empire. If there is an attack that is already sent to your empire, even if you activate the Vacation mode, the attack will be completed.
    • The Vacation mod STOPS all resource production, army upkeep and population growth, and the 168 hour period of loan payment is intermitted until the mod's deactivation. All constructions and research will continue building.

      * Both, Vacation mod and Holidays protection, can be activated solely if you currently don't have troops on a mission.
    • 假期模式开启的时间至少48个小时。为了利用该功能,你需要1700粒钻石。

  • Welcome back protection
    • The protection which every Emperor, who has got back to his Empire from an absence of at least 2 weeks, receives automatically upon logging into his account.
    • Forbids all attacks to and from the Empire.
    • Strict duration - 48 hours.
    • Totally free.


  • Legal help from a friend with your economic development.
  • In Age of Conquest you can babysit two different accounts and have 2 players (by your own choice) babysit your account. Both babysitters log into your account with their user name and their password, so there is no need for you to give your password to anybody any time.
  • 监督者权利及限制:


    • Legal babysitters’ individual rights can be set in Settings menu >> My babysitters tab. The babysitting settings can be changed at any time, at your own discretion.

Net Worth Points

  • Represent the current strength of a player.
  • They are calculated according to the amount and type of spent resource, given that 1 net worth point =1000 gold / 2000 wood / 400 iron / 1000 stone. Army recruitment net worth points are calculated following the same formula but multiplied x2.